アクションRPG『ELDEN RING』の、ある冒険者の戦いを描いたフルカラーコミック。 祝福に導かれ、狭間の地に至った褪せ人は、エルデの王となるため旅に出る――。道中で出会う魅力的なキャラクターや様々なダンジョン探索、強大なボスとのバトルなど、ゲームの壮大な冒険を描いたコミカライズ。
Guided by a blessing, the fading adventurer who has reached the land between the two lands sets out on a journey to become the king of Elde – and he is not alone.
This webcomic depicts ELDEN RING’s epic adventures, including fascinating characters encountered along the way, various dungeon explorations, and battles with powerful bosses.