Hottarakashi Meshi
Hottarakashi Meshi
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Hottarakashi Meshi

ほったらかし飯, Set it and Forget it, ほったらかし飯
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 639
Updated On

Synopsis Hottarakashi Meshi

25歳のフウコは恋よりもご飯が大好き。ビンゴの景品で炊飯器を手に入れたフウコは心機一転、自炊することを決意!ただ、キッチンはペットのヤドカリ“ヒッキー”に占領されて料理が出来ず…。そんなフウコは炊飯器を使った調理を編み出したのだが…!? 炊飯器一つで作れるずぼらグルメ漫画、開幕――!!

At 25, Fuko’s true love isn’t romance; it’s food. Her path to cooking begins with a lucky bingo win—a nifty rice cooker! But with her kitchen occupied by her pet hermit crab, Hikki, Fuko has to get creative… Cooking with only a rice cooker?! Challenge accepted! Join Fuko as she steams ahead in this lazy gourmet adventure!

