Munou To Sagesuma Reta Reijou Wa Konyaku Haki Sare, Henkyou No Seijo To Yobareru ~ Goman Nani Konyaku Mono Wa Sute, Goei Kishi To Shiawase Ni Narimasu ~
Munou To Sagesuma Reta Reijou Wa Konyaku Haki Sare, Henkyou No Seijo To Yobareru ~ Goman Nani Konyaku Mono Wa Sute, Goei Kishi To Shiawase Ni Narimasu ~
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Munou To Sagesuma Reta Reijou Wa Konyaku Haki Sare, Henkyou No Seijo To Yobareru ~ Goman Nani Konyaku Mono Wa Sute, Goei Kishi To Shiawase Ni Narimasu ~

Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 564
Updated On

Synopsis Munou To Sagesuma Reta Reijou Wa Konyaku Haki Sare, Henkyou No Seijo To Yobareru ~ Goman Nani Konyaku Mono Wa Sute, Goei Kishi To Shiawase Ni Narimasu ~

強力な魔力で魔物と人間の世界の境界を守るギャレット辺境伯家唯一の直系子孫であるエメライン。しかし彼女にはなぜか魔力がなかった。このため、強い魔力を持つダミアンと結婚し、子を作ることが彼女の役目だが、ダミアンはたびたび婚約破棄をちらつかせて、エメラインを貶めるような男だった。唯一の心の支えはエメライン専属の護衛騎士バートと侍女のアルマだけ。責任感から理不尽な仕打ちに耐え続けるエメラインに、密かに心を寄せるバート。たとえ想いが通じたとしても、二人は決して一緒にはなれない関係で――!? 婚約破棄ざまぁ×身分差恋愛ファンタジー!

Emmeline is the only direct descendant of Margrave Garrett’s family who protects the boundary between the monster and human worlds with her powerful magic. But for some reason, she didn’t have any magical powers. For this reason, she marries Damian, who has strong magical powers, and her role is to have a child with him, but Damian is a man who often threatens to break off her engagement and degrades Emmeline. Her only emotional support is Emmeline’s personal escort knight Bart and her maid Alma. Bart secretly feels for Emmeline, who continues to endure Emmeline’s unreasonable treatment out of a sense of responsibility. Even if their feelings were mutual, the two would never be able to be together…!? The engagement is about to be called off x A love fantasy based on the difference in social status!

