もしかしたら付き合っちゃうかも? タッくんはとってもいい子だし、私は大賛成ね。え? 彼が私に話があるって、まさか『娘さんを僕にください』的な話なの?やだもう、ちょっと気が早すぎ―― 「綾子ママ……俺、ずっとあなたが好きでした。俺と付き合ってください」「……娘じゃなくて私(ママ)が好きなの!?」隣の男の子が惚れていたのは、娘じゃなくて私だった!? 嘘でしょぉお!?姉の娘を育ててきた女性と、そんな彼女に片思いをしていた少年。長年の想いが爆発する超純愛ラブコメ、開幕!
From Seven Seas:Ever since her sister and brother-in-law died in an accident ten years ago, thirty-something-year-old Ayako Katsuragi has been raising her niece Miu as her own daughter. Now that she’s in high school though, Ayako has begun to worry about the boys that might want to date Miu, especially their twenty-year-old neighbor Takumi Aterazawa. But when Takumi says he needs to talk to her, Ayako gets the shock of her life. It’s not Miu he’s got feelings for, it’s her. Will Ayako be able to overcome her doubts and give his love a chance?