Robou no Fujii – Idai Naru Bonjin kara no Tayori
Robou no Fujii – Idai Naru Bonjin kara no Tayori
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Robou no Fujii – Idai Naru Bonjin kara no Tayori

路傍のフジイ〜偉大なる凡人からの便り〜, Fujii on the Roadside, 路傍のフジイ, 路傍のフジイ~偉大なる凡人からの便り~
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 703
Updated On

Synopsis Robou no Fujii – Idai Naru Bonjin kara no Tayori

職場では目立たない地味な中年男性。仕事はちゃんとするけれど、ムダ口は少ない。定時になればドライに消える。職場飲みにはそもそも声がかからない。どちらかというと陰で後輩に(ああはなりたくないな…)と思われてそうな男、それが「藤井さん」。だがちょっと待て。(どんな育ち方してきたんだろう?)( 友達や彼女っているのか?)( 休日は何してるんだろう…? )ふと気がつくと、あなたも「藤井」さんのトリコになってしまう……言葉にしづらいこの感情を、『リボーンの棋士』作者が鮮やかに切り取る幻惑の人生劇場!

Is he an eccentric or a hermit? Does the seemingly unremarkable company employee, Fujii, redefine the definition of “happiness”?In the workplace, he’s a plain middle-aged man who doesn’t stand out. While he does his job properly, he’s not one to waste words. Come quitting time, he disappears like a ghost. He’s not the type to be invited to after-work drinks in the first place. More like, he’s the guy who’s thought of as “I wouldn’t want to end up like that…” by his juniors.Yet, he piques the curiosity of others… “I wonder how he was raised?”, “Does he have friends or a girlfriend?”, “What does he do on weekends?”. Suddenly, you realize you’ve become captivated by Fujii…This elusive emotion that’s hard to put into words is vividly captured by the author of “Reborn no Kishi” in this bewitching life drama!

